Tuesday 20 January 2009

Gentlemen, how to get what you really want this Valentines!

Its true designer stubble can look sexy, however it’s a well known fact ladies prefer kissing a smooth face and the best way to get one of those is with the Max Skincare range.

The Max Skincare range features the four must have products for the perfect shave and healthy skin. It’s an easy routine; start with the face wash, then use the hot face scrub, warm things up with the very unique self heating shaving  and finish things off with the cooling moisturizing crème. You are guaranteed to get an extremely close shave, leaving you with incredibly smooth skin. Finally how do you tell if your skin is softer and smoother than ever? The kiss test of course! Max Skincare has given you fabulous skin, it’s your job to find a suitable young lady.

The Max Skincare products prevent shaving rash, and are paraben free. Parabens are chemicals often used in skincare products to kill bacteria and prolong shelf-life. Parabens have been linked to causing cancer, reducing men’s sperm production, causing the skin to age when exposed to UV light as well as causing skin irritations and allergic skin reactions. So for healthy skin avoid parabens and stick to safe skincare products like Max Skincare.


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