Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Gentlemen, how to get what you really want this Valentines!

Its true designer stubble can look sexy, however it’s a well known fact ladies prefer kissing a smooth face and the best way to get one of those is with the Max Skincare range.

The Max Skincare range features the four must have products for the perfect shave and healthy skin. It’s an easy routine; start with the face wash, then use the hot face scrub, warm things up with the very unique self heating shaving  and finish things off with the cooling moisturizing crème. You are guaranteed to get an extremely close shave, leaving you with incredibly smooth skin. Finally how do you tell if your skin is softer and smoother than ever? The kiss test of course! Max Skincare has given you fabulous skin, it’s your job to find a suitable young lady.

The Max Skincare products prevent shaving rash, and are paraben free. Parabens are chemicals often used in skincare products to kill bacteria and prolong shelf-life. Parabens have been linked to causing cancer, reducing men’s sperm production, causing the skin to age when exposed to UV light as well as causing skin irritations and allergic skin reactions. So for healthy skin avoid parabens and stick to safe skincare products like Max Skincare.


The CG-Lock saves lives

It’s been proven yet again that the CG-Lock car accessory can save your life.

The proof is David Willis-Hargreaves from Banbury. He was driving his car on a dark November night when he hit standing water, smashed straight into the central reservation, bounced off , span several times, hit the inside reservation, then a tree. Unsurprisingly the car was a write off, however quite incredibly David was totally unhurt, and it’s thanks to the CG-Lock.

The Porsche accredited engineer who inspected the £80,000 car following the accident reported that it was the £50 CG-Lock which kept David safe! It held him exactly where he should have been so the rest of the car’s safety features could work fully.


David first heard about the benefits of the CG-Lock on the internet car forum ‘Pistonheads’, several years ago. He explains, “Since fitting the device I’ve had no back pain, as it’s improved my posture whilst driving. In my opinion a device which saved my life is worth well over £50! I already converted many people, including my osteopath who now recommends it to his other patients!” David is just of many crash survivors who think the CG-Lock device was a major factor in escaping with their lives. 

If surviving a crash wasn’t enough proof of the benefits of the CG-Lock, how about the fact that’s it was used on the set of the latest James Bond film? During the dangerous driving scenes the stunt professionals used the CG-Lock to enhance car control and safety.

The CG-Lock is a small and simple device which you can clip onto your existing seatbelt in a few moments. For everyday driving on the roads keeping the slack out of the lap belt prevents you from slipping into the poor posture that usually causes lower back pain and fatigue. It works by gently holding your hips and lower spine in the right position. For performance use on track days, pulling the lap belt tighter with the CG-Lock fitted keeps you secure to ensure better control during the demanding manoeuvres leading to guaranteed faster lap times. It’s quick and simple to fit yourself, and can be easily transferred from one vehicle to another making it a car ‘essential’ at under £50 (with a full money back guarantee*).

To order your CG-Lock call 08701 245 625 or visit the website www.cg-lock.co.uk for more information.

Is the Credit Crunch linked to a rise in drink driving?

Due to an increase in drink driving cases, the 2 weeks before and after Christmas have always been the busiest time of year for motor offence specialists, Geoffrey Miller Solicitors. However, December 2008 and January 2009 has been the firms busiest two months on record.

Mindful of the credit crunch, Senior Partner, Jeanette Miller was expecting the figures to either remain static or to reduce slightly. However it seems the number of drivers caught for alcohol offences has either increased, or the number of people wishing to seek legal advice from experts has risen by a whopping 238 %. This is despite there being increased competition, as more firms claim expertise in this field year on year.

Jeanette speculates why there has been such a dramatic rise in the number of enquires, “It’s likely to be a surprising symptom of “the crunch.” The festive period is usually a time when many drivers are caught over the drink driving limit due to excessive drinking from the night before. I think it’s a combination of perhaps more drivers chancing their alcohol levels, rather than incurring the expense of a taxi or hotel. Also people could be drinking more due to the pressures caused by the global financial crisis.”

Government figures for arrests or prosecutions won’t be available for some time. Jeanette comments, “For all we know, there may have been no increase in the arrest figures. Instead “the crunch” may have had a different part to play with an increase in people prepared to pay for a solution to an arrest for drink driving, particularly when a conviction may equate to a job loss for many of our clients.”

For more information go to www.geoffreymillersolicitors.co.uk or for alcohol related offences visit their specialist website www.xalc.co.uk